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LEONOV University of Technology

Isaev House of Scientific Collaboration of the University of Technology entered the Interregional Intellectual Consortium

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  • Isaev House of Scientific Collaboration of the University of Technology entered the Interregional Intellectual Consortium
07.02.2022 Isaev House of Scientific Collaboration of the University of Technology entered the Interregional Intellectual Consortium

Isaev House of Scientific Collaboration of the University of Technology entered the Interregional Intellectual Consortium «Centers of Houses of Scientific Collaboration: science, education, personnel».

22 leading universities in Russia have united in an intellectual consortium of additional education. Its main task is to develop a system of additional education, taking into account the trends of scientific and technological development. It is planned to integrate the innovative potential of large organizations, joint implementation of educational activities and programs for schoolchildren, as well as the development and implementation of joint research and practice-oriented projects with the involvement of leading scientists and young researchers.

The consortium will make it possible to form a single ecosystem of educational success trajectories for every child, regardless of the region of residence, and to attract young people to scientific knowledge.

Within the framework of the consortium, in honor of the Day of Russian Science, on February 8, the universities initiated the science week «Scientific Kaleidoscope», during which the leading teachers and young researchers will hold popular science lectures, workshops and educational seminars on modern areas of scientific and technological development, including on topics such as biotechnology and computer graphics, 3D modeling, culture of peoples. The event will be held remotely so that the students from all over the country can participate.
